norkem - Your first link in the chemical chain

Iodine >

Chemical formula: I
Grades: 99.8% minimum, always meeting USP/BP/EP standard
Packaging: Material is available in 25 kilo and 50 kilo nett drums and 1,000 kilo nett big
bags. Other types of packaging are available upon request.
Availability: Normally a stock item
Material: Iodine is a rare trace element that is vital for human and animal development. In its
natural state, it takes the form of a purple-black solid. In fact, the name iodine was chosen to
reflect its distinctive violet colouring. When heated, iodine sublimes into a gas, giving a
purple vapour. It is the least reactive of the halogen elements.
Given its importance for our health, iodine is frequently used in the medical and
pharmaceutical industries. Iodine deficiency disorders are relatively common worldwide as
people struggle to integrate it into their diets. Such deficiencies can result in goitre and other
thyroid related conditions. This is because iodine is required for the synthetisation of vital
thyroid hormones, as well as the effective use of calories, helping to combat a build-up of
excess fat cells. Relatedly, it can be used as part of a wider treatment regime for thyroid
Pregnant women are particularly at risk as iodine deficiency can stunt foetus development
and increase the likelihood of a stillbirth. It also poses an increased risk of infertility.
In some countries, potassium iodate or potassium iodide has routinely added to salt to help
combat this problem. Animals can also suffer the effects of iodine deficiency, so it is
frequently added to their feed. Coastal nations benefit from more iodine-rich soils thanks to
their proximity to the sea, where it has a higher presence. Historically, seaweed has been a
vital source but iodine extraction from seawater is not currently viable.
In many cases, there is no effective substitute for iodine.
Iodine’s ability to absorb x-rays means that it is frequently used as a contrasting agent in x-
ray imaging.
In more modern technology, iodine is currently used in the polarising film of LCD screens.
There it helps to define the direction of light coming from the backlight, improving the overall
quality and clarity of an image. These LCD screens are widely used in smart phone screens,
television and computer screens.
In chemistry education, iodine is commonly used in experiments to establish the presence of
starch amidst other carbohydrates. A reddish-brown iodine solution is added to the test
subject. If starch is present, the solution should turn a blue-black.
Norkem are proud to represent Cosayach of Chile, one of the largest producers in the world.