Since its inception in 2008 Norkem Spain has shown remarkable sales growth, with turnover exceeding €11 Million Euros.
After years of continued growth in the region Norkem Quimica S.L. has topped €11M in sales in 2013 with targeted growth for 2014 sales expected to top €14m.
Their success is largely down to their diverse product range and the dedication of their sales team which has now expanded to 10 people.
Norkem’s Spanish office supports chemical distribution not only in Spain, but also in Portugal, Italy, North Africa, Latin and Central America.
This success story is led by Felipe Brizuela who is the Commercial Director “Spain is a large and growing market for the chemical industry generally, it is a great opportunity. We have a growing presence in the country and we have a dedicated team of people helping us to achieve great things in all areas of chemical distribution. In addition to our Spanish operation we are also forging ahead in Italy, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Colombia.”
Felipe went on to say “not only are we achieving our targets with sales growth and service levels, just as importantly we are also delivering with quality systems. We have already achieved ISO9001 accreditation and in 2014 we are on target to obtain GMP+ which will further strengthen our position in the Feed Industry “
Norkem’s Spanish office leads the way in many different supply chain sectors including Animal feed, ceramics, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals.