norkem - Your first link in the chemical chain

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Proud members of the British Soft Drinks Association

Norkem are proud to renew their membership with the British Soft Drinks Association. 


Surface Coatings: Are your ceramics on trend for the new season?

It might not exactly be the catwalks of Paris or Milan. But everyone involved in the brick, tile and ceramics trade knows full well that they operate in an industry in thrall to fashion.


2021 in Review: Finding Strength in Adversity

The start of another year and once again the ongoing struggle against the COVID pandemic is front and centre of everyone’s minds. At least we can be thankful that we’re in a better position than we were at the start of 2021, when the country was plunged into a long lockdown.


How sweeteners help to balance tasty treats with healthy eating

Is it possible to have a guilt-free sweet treat? Ask a lot of people and they’d probably say ‘no’. As much as we love sweet things, everything from desserts to snacks to fizzy drinks nowadays carry a health warning.


GOFOS presents a tasty solution to boosting dietary fibre intake

Dietary fibre intake remains worryingly low among British adults. According to latest figures from the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), just 9% get the recommended 30g for fibre a day.


Hemp Food Products: Good for Your Health, Great for the Environment

Hemp has traditionally been grown as a source of fibre, from which everything from fabric and textiles to paper and rope can be manufactured.  In recent times, however, more and more interest has turned to the use of hemp as a commercial food source. Hemp seeds are protein and nutrient rich, and can be processed into products such as flour, oil, dairy-free milk substitute and protein powder.