norkem - Your first link in the chemical chain

News Archive >

This is the news archive. All the previous news articles are available here.


Giving consumers a helping hand with dietary fibre

Consumers are switching on to the health benefits of dietary fibre. But what many people continue to struggle with is finding high-fibre options in the kind of foods they habitually buy and like.


Come and meet the Norkem team at ChemUK 2023

It’s with great pleasure that we can announce the Norkem team will once again be exhibiting at ChemUK, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham on May 10th and 11th.


Norkem Food and Drink Team once again secures AA Grade on BRCGS audit

We are delighted to announce that our food and drink team has once again secured certification for the BRCGS Agents and Brokers Global Standard - and with 100% compliance. In a first for Norkem we also brought our sister companies: Norkem BV, Norkem Quimica and Norkem SRL within the scope of the accreditation. All join Norkem Ltd who were one of the first companies to gain the accreditation when it was first established.


Major Expansion of Norkem’s Nitrate Range

We are delighted to announce the expansion of our agrochemical range with the addition of three new Nitrate products.


Expanding supply of important flame retardant

Flame retardants play an important role in fire safety. Flammable materials are widely used in construction, in electrical appliances and in furnishings. While necessary, their presence in our homes and places of work raise the risks posed by fire significantly, making it easier for them to catch and spread.


Norkem confirmed as exhibitor at Fi Europe

Norkem will be exhibiting at Food Ingredients (Fi) Europe, one of the continent’s biggest food and beverage industry trade shows, in Paris in December.